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Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Count Lucanor Signature Edition PSVita Review

Hello everybody! Tsubaki here and finally back with another PSVITA game. Yes yes, I know the Vita is now discontinued but it gives you more of a reason to grab all the physical games you can, starting with this one! 

I wanted to play this one for a while because I have a serious soft spot for spooky and pixel graphic games. Below is the cover of the lovely sturdy box for The Count Lucanor Signature Edition.

Must say that this was worth the price considering it wasn’t anything over the price of a brand new game plus it came with the art book and the soundtrack! The art on everything is just so fitting to the game if you ever see gameplay or played a bit of it. It just gives off the right on-edge vibe that the game sets really well.

The game cover isn’t double sided but that is quite alright considering how menacing the goat looks. The soundtrack cd case looks epic and the cd design does too. The cd case itself is not fully plastic, only the part holding the cd is plastic while the cover end is more like a cardboard. The art book packs art illustration to the game design of everything in the game from characters to items! 

I love the soundtrack! I might replay this game just for the music honestly. Comes with a solid 13 tracks of 8-bit spooky vibes! 

This game is an amazing treasure and a fantastic story. I hope more people actually get to play this game and enjoy this work of art!
Hope this review will encourage more people to try this game out. Either way, there will be more reviews later! Hope to see you in the next one.

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