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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Patreon! Another way to support

Hello everybody! Tsubaki here this time this is not a limited game but more of an announcement. By the time this post if up, there will be a Patreon for this blog! I know it seems like everybody is jumping on board the Patreon train, but it really has helped creators keep going and keep pushing out bigger and better content for those that want to support them.  

I have solely been keeping this blog going since 2013 on kawaii crates and limited edition games that I do 100% buy with my own money. However, due to multiple unfortunate events happening in a span of a month, I am even more in a financial hole than I calculated even if I still have a 9-5 job. To make a long story a short one, it is the events of a third student loan payment I need to make and shelling out over a grand in USD for driving lessons due to job requirements. These plus keeping up with all other expenses has not been easy on my health in general. 

Overall, I had to cut a lot which threw me in a bit of a depressed state which would also explain why I have been getting sick when it is rare for me. I know need a bit if help especially with me keeping this blog running. When I am not at my full-time job or streaming I am working on more content for this blog. So for those that scroll by or knew me for a while and want to connect more and show support, this is another way for you. 

Either way, the Patreon will have only one support tier until I can slowly incorporate more exclusives such as original art both physical prints, a digital exclusive shop for Patreon supporters only with original art for sale. I want to bring back doing fan art of games I have been playing because I really enjoyed it. 

That wraps up this announcement. Patreon link will be below and in the link box of the blog page! Until next time keep grinding!  

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