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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Ca.Crea: Single Notebook System and How I been Using it

Hello and welcome back to another stationery post. I have gone over all my planners and systems except the one notebook I use to draft these blog posts! So lets over it now in 2021.

To be honest I didn't know people knew about this notebook until I actually started chatting with people in the planner community. They knew about it but not many people use it, at least that is true in the US. I bought my first one in an Etsy store that sells Japanese stationery from a very amazing seller which I will link. By the time this post is up, I would have had this for a year and bought several more from Amazon Japan. 

The first one I used was the Ca.Crea A4x1/3 regular with 5mm grid, which came with a limited edition Winnie the Pooh plastic cover. Now I am using the Ca.Crea A4x1/3 Premium Cloth with 5mm grid which is fountain pen friendly, using the same cover. The notebooks also lay down flat when you open them which is an amazing feature any daily writer will enjoy.

The first one I used is on the left while the one I am using now is on the right.

The limited-edition Winnie the Pooh cover.

Inside of the Winnie the Pooh cover.

The premium cloth refills I got from Amazon Japan.

There are different covers but I haven't seen them being sold anywhere yet besides Amazon Japan under the PLUS company. If I like one I might try it and write an update post on it.

Now the reason why this notebook is not in my Roterfaden or Traveler's Notebook is due to its slightly taller size, making it not fit as well with the other books cause it is taller. It is made to be a stand-alone compact book for jotting down lists, sketching, and writing ideas on the go.

The reason why I continued using this is that it was perfect for writing up blog posts! I write each blog post out before I type them up just so I get a better idea of what pictures, links, and added research snippets I will need to put in. Filling up a page is the minimum I write for any post not including pictures and descriptions. I also like to carry it around if I am going to be outside for a few hours or most of the day. This size fits also perfectly in my analogue travel pouch. The only issue is that this notebook has almost no popularity in the US market so if I want refills I must rely on Amazon Japan and Etsy sellers.

I think more people could benefit from any of the selections of Ca.Crea notebooks cause of how easy it is to carry and how the size is great for lists, notes, and tracking. With some index tabs, you can organize it the way you like it and make it really handy in everyday life.

Let me know what you think about this notebook in the comments below. Until next time, stay hype!

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