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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Using One Desk for Hobbies & Work While Working from Home

Hello and welcome back. 2020 was crazy in the fact that not only did I have to fix my sleep schedule but I also had to adjust my only work area for both hobbies and actual 9-5 work. I realized thanks to COVID-19 most of us might be forced to adapt our comfy hobby spaces into our new work cubicle and I wish to share how I been doing it. 

These are just some tips I ended up using to make my space usable for both my hobbies and my 9-5 job. The challenge was making space not feel like an extended 9-5 cubicle station because I have no other space in my apartment to work at. When it is time for your hobbies it shouldn't feel like it's part of your job!

Tip 1: Separating work from the hobby: I started by gathering up my work items since my hobby items like y planners and pencil cases are already organized in my cart. My work items were the work laptop, work FiloFax, folder, and a plastic clipboard.

Tip 2: Placing items in its own container: I had placed my work items in a duffle bag that will use when I have to go back to the office. My hobby items were in their specific organizers or in their place in the office. Now if I need to work at 9AM I pull out my duffle as if I'm actually at work. When I am done with work I pack everything up and put it aside, not in the way but I know where it is for the next working day. After I eat and take a break, I pull out my hobby cart and being my hobby time.

Tip 3: Knowing and establishing times for each: It is horrible realizing your work tie is pushing into your time for hobbies. However, as soon as one ends you need to clear everything before you start the next, This helps your body and mind keep to a time for your activities as you would going to work and going out to do stuff or going home. I know as soon as I clock out from work I clear my desk, clear my head, take a break like I would if I was normally going from work to home, and work on my hobbies. 

Using all these tips I feel a bit more normal even if working from home is not normal for my line of work. Surprisingly I been more productive overall once I got everything together, but it is still a difficult transition. Take your time and see what helps you the most. You could have a special place to sit during work hours and another place for fun and hobbies. Sadly I can't do that due to lack of space, but that would help out too!

Let me know in the comments if you had to adjust to working from home! Until next time, stay hype!

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