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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Tips to Help Fight Off FOMO Shopping

Hello and welcome to another post but this time on fighting FOMO shopping. FOMO is short for "fear of missing out". It mostly leads to compulsively buying popular or expensive items because someone else has the item. Between 2017-2019 I was buying a lot of Sanrio mascots and so much other stuff just because it was new and I didn't want to miss out. Since then I sold most of the stuff I bought and now made tips and tricks to help not make the same mistakes again. Hope these will help whoever comes across this!

  • Understand how much you are spending: Look back at your bank statements from now to at least a year ago. To see your break down it is best to mark the different categories you spend in. I recommend using different highlighters to mark each category. For me, the categories are food, stationery, games, bills and necessities, and miscellanies. If you are spending more or overspending on unnecessary items, ask yourself what would you really like to do with that money.
  • Which purchases were used?: For the items you did buy due to FOMO, analyze if you used them. Where they used as much as you hoped? If not, then do you need to continue buying them?
  • Take inventory: If you have multiples of something to use up, make a note to not buy more. Telling yourself to use what you have will help you realize you don't need any more, you need to actually use things.
  • Space is limited: Walk around your home. Do you really have space for items you might not use? Understand the amount of space you will give up to obtaining more stuff that will just be there.
  • Mindset change: You need to buy things to enhance your life and experiences. Things are not forever but memories, feelings, and relationships gained from experiences can last a lifetime. However, if you do need an item consider making sure the quality is great and will last you a long time.
  • Step away and think before buying: We all get tempted to buy but don't just buy something immediately. Turn off your phone, close the tab, and step away to think about it. Maybe you have something that does the same thing already or you can find an alternative that doesn't make you spend or buy a new item.
I have been using these tips for most of this year and noticed that I don't need a lot to do things I love. This is very hard to see because of how much being a consumer is pushed on us every single day. Just because it is the latest thing does not mean it will benefit you! 

Let me know in the comments if you were falling into FOMO and had to get yourself out of it. Until next time, stay hyped!

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