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Monday, December 21, 2020

Keeping Up with Manga Physically While Working from Home

Happy Monday everybody! Tsubaki here with a small post on how I been adapting while still being on lockdown.

I collect all my favorite manga physically and have just enough room for them on my bookshelf. However, before I started working from home, after work I should check at Kinokuniya, BookOff, and maybe Barnes and Nobles for the latest volumes. Now all of that had to change especially since I didn't want to keep ordering online when shipping rates are expensive and packages are severely delayed after Black Friday.

Now due to traveling less I only go to Kinokuniya to grab my manga since they also have the stationery refills I need too. I hope when things are more under control to go back to BookOff as well.

The first thing I do is to check the opening times of my favorite bookstore. Thankfully Kinokuniya is open here and their hours are normal (11AM-7PM) and they are open every day. This helps me because I work Monday to Friday (9AM-5PM) so if I buy anything it has to be on the weekend.

Next, I check when the manga will be released by using the Kinokuniya website, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles. Any preorder dates and release dates help. If the dates vary I take the later date as the date it will come out.

After that, I check out the store a few days after the preorder date. That way you know the fresh copies will be in stock. Just make sure you get to the store early so you don't end up waiting in line due to all the stores restricting the number of people inside.

This has really helped me to control my spending plus help me not go outside as much. Instead of my usual bi-weekly look around it's down to like one visit every month.

If you are reading this please remember to try your best to support your local and favorite stores in your community. If you can't go outside try to save up a bit extra to either make the minimum for free shipping online or wait until the manga you want to buy makes that minimum. Lastly, if possible try to order from the stores directly! They need all the support they can get.

Please stay safe, keep up with your manga, and let me know in the comments what are you reading!

Until next time, stay hype!

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