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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Little Things to do to Help You feel like you Accomplished Something

Hello everybody, Tsubaki here, and I hope you are all having a good Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, and or Armistice Day!
Not going outside had really thrown all of us in for a ride as our motivation to do anything crumbles. Here are a few little things I ended up doing just to perk myself up and make me feel like I accomplished a major thing.
Please note if you feel exhausted, you deserve to rest, relax, and enjoy yourself at the moment.

  • Organize a collection. Can be DVDs, books or even your pencils. The fact that you sorted them in a way that looks good to you is amazing.

  • Clean off a collection. Actually dusting down any collection makes you happy! It is so nice to see it clean.
  • Play a game you haven't touched in a while. I picked up my GameBoyAdvance and actually got further in Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! 
  • Tracking books & comic series. Actually knowing which volumes I am missing gave me some motivation to try and get what I am missing. 

  • Test out your supplies. Even if you only have a few pens, there is no harm in testing them out with a quick scribble.

  • Try to fill in your notebooks. I try to fill in the blank pages with dots, scribbles of colors, and random stickers. Makes me feel better that the page is colorful and full.
  • Sort your photos. Either digitally or physically. I have been trying to put them in folders based on events, conventions, and year. I am not even done but I am proud of how far I got.
Hope this small list helps anybody that been feeling in the dumps. There is a lot of stress in the world today, but don't take it out on yourself if you feel like you haven't done anything! 
Thank you for reading this quick post! I will still continue to do my weekly post on Sunday. Until then stay hype and be safe!

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