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Saturday, November 7, 2020

FiloFax Personal Setup - Organizing Thank you Notes, Goodies and Stickers from Patreon and more

Happy November! I am back with hopefully the final setup post of 2020! I had changed a lot during this time I have been working from home but it is for the better, and I feel so in control of everything now.

I had decided to buy a FiloFax Original Patent Personal Organizer in August and I feel like I worked out enough stuff that I am not going to mess around with it anymore. I bought it from the official FiloFax US website and the color I got was rose. I was tempted to get nude but the pink is really nice!

Now how in the world did I decide to get a FiloFax of all things. Mostly a lot of research on Youtube! A few planner decorators use FiloFax to hold daily calendars, store stickers, washi tape samples and so much more. However I didn't want anything too big like the clipbook FiloFax has, so I made up my mind on the personal size.

I have been using this FiloFax to hold Patreon goodies and other random tidbits that I throw in my junk journal. When I started actually working from home I realized my printer table was buried under the paper and Patreon goodies I didn’t get around to mostly because I had forgotten about them due to there being no real place to store them. Thanks to me being creative and finding some cute ziplock inserts I have sorted my two Patreons that I get mail goodies from plus other thank you notes I get from mail packages and stationery shops I order from. Let’s get into the details! 

First off these ziplock personal inserts were found as a set of three on eBay. I love them cause they are different colors (pink, blue, and purple) and they are fun to shake around. Each of these is used to hold thank you notes and bits of packaging I can use for decoration. 

The last thing is that I hole punched these cute Sentimental Circus letter envelopes and added magnets to help them keep closed. I put stickers or small pictures inside them. Doing this really saved me from spending on more inserts and it is a lot of fun making your own stuff! Just make sure the size of the envelopes or pockets you want will fit. You just need a hole puncher and I got mine from Staples.

That is all for most of the FiloFax besides having some cute hand-laminated pictures of my favorite anime and video games and holding larger pictures in the back pocket and pens in the front. The FiloFax is small enough for me not to try to fit so much in it which is great since I don’t have many artists on Patreon that send mail at the moment.

Do you have a system for organizing stickers and Patreon goods? Did you decorate it? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading this, and until next time, stay hype! 

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