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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Traveler’s Notebook Insert Collection 2020

Hello everybody. Tsubaki here and back with more Traveler’s Notebook goods that I have been slowly obtaining as time goes on and as these treasures pop up, especially on Etsy. These will be all the limited edition inserts from collaborations of brands and companies with The Traveler’s Company. I love these inserts because they are super unique and they are still very practical, because I do plan on using them like the rest of my inserts. 
I will try to give as much detail about each insert such as when it came out so if anybody else is interested in getting their own. 

First set of inserts are from the PRADA X Traveler’s Company pop up in NYC. I am so happy I went because I had got the last light cameo/yellow rose they had. In fact it was the one they were using for display. This insert is so unique because you can start from either or both sides. Each side has the same starting page with the box in the middle! The inserts themselves wasn’t that much. I think I paid about $15 USD for each. The dark cameo has the red rose on the other side and the light cameo has the yellow rose. 

Next is the Manual Factory Log-On 20th Anniversary insert. It has the outline of the Manual Factory bear and the quote. It is a dark blue with white text. 

Next is also Manual Factory but from the Hong Kong caravan in 2019.

This insert brings back sweet memories. It is the Mister Softee regular insert from Hong Kong!
I love Mister Softee and remember the ice-cream truck strolling in the Summer days every time I look at it.

The last two are the most recent ones I got which are from the Ace Hotel Collab in both regular and passport. I love the quote "To Begin, Begin." It really fills me up with passion to do what I enjoy.

So far I haven't found any other inserts that I really felt passionate to collect but maybe in 2021 I will continue this with some awesome new inserts. Let me know which ones are your favorite in the comments!

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