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Saturday, December 21, 2019

PS Vita Slowdown (Personal Reasons and Changes Coming in 2020)

Hello everybody! Tsubaki here and back with not a game or a subscription crate but actually a breakdown of why I haven’t been pushing out content and some changes of content I will follow through with for 2020.

Now almost all the gamers and PlayStation fanatics know that the PS Vita has been office discontinued. This is a major reason why no one is expecting more physical game releases for it. The PS Vita community is honestly very grateful for companies like Limited Run Games and Play Asia for still having physical Vita games for the people that really want to collect and buy them, but it still has slowed down because of the super low and almost non existent stock of PS Vita cartridges. They need cartridges to sell the physical games but if they barely have a thousand or so left and several games people are really willing to buy physically, not everyone will have the game or all the games they want. With that being explained my collecting has slowed to a crawl because the games that were released are not of my interest. But I am happy they still sell out of their stock because I want these companies to know that we support them. 

Keeping this in mind I have been obtaining games for the Nintendo Switch but not that rapidly and not collector’s editions or limited editions because I just want to play stuff and not also have it as a keepsake. Please stay tuned for Switch content because I do have some opinions of my play throughs of the Switch games I have. PS4 limited and collector’s editions will be reviewed as per usual.

Current Nintendo Switch games besides Let’s Go Pikachu which I have digitally. 

Besides the set back of the Vita being discontinued, one other major item is in fact, money. My spouse had two trips to the ER because of a condition with his liver that is causing it to swell and not detox this blood well and is still on going with major stomach problems. So not only did I have to burn my extra paycheck to make sure we aren’t behind in bills but I been rethinking lifestyle choices. I been collecting for at least the last three or four years but only until now there was a medical emergency. So now I have found a better budgeting layout and organizing system but there is no room for buying video games unless it was saved up from multiple paychecks. Maybe in the future I will make a full post on how I save for all video games while still balancing everything else.

Last thing I want to let out is that 2019 has been very anxiety and stress inducing which has been mitigated by journaling. I want to add journaling as topics in Otaku On Hype, specifically junk journaling/kawaii journaling. Journaling has not only helped me get past all these trips to the ER and rough times at work but helped me realize all the amazing artists out there that are making awesome stationery and merchandise! Every journal post that uses stickers and items from artists will be featured in case you want to check out and get some for yourself. 

My journal is overflowing with stickers, postcards and everything from this year. I’m so thankful for finding this to be my creative outlet.

Otaku on Hype will continue to go strong in 2020 with more content! Can’t wait to see everyone again! 

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