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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Should the OVA be Watched at a Certain Time?

This post is 100% just my personal opinion and I am covering this because I think it would be interesting to discuss.

The first thing to cover is what OVA stands for. OVA is the abbreviation of "original video animation" which are films and series made for release in home video formats like VHS, DVD, and overall being publically broadcasted.

Now OVAs are known to be filler in many anime which is why some people actually advise watching the OVA in between certain episodes.

However, if we had no internet and nobody putting up entire series on streaming sites there would be no way to watch the OVA unless you bought the official DVD/VHS, meaning that you might have spent good money to officially support and own the series. The OVA would also be seen all the way at the end of the VHS or as an extra option after the series on DVD.

Cause of how OVAs were supposed to be available to watch I just watch all OVAs after I finish the entire series, or in-between seasons if that was the order it was released. Some OVAs are also completely unrelated to whatever been happening in the series and might be some fancy official fanservice for all the hardcore fans that kept the series alive and well.

Either way, as long as you support the official release just watch it whenever you can! Everybody has their own opinion but as long as you enjoyed the series the OVA is an extra time for you to remember why you started watching it in the first place!

I Will try to have these random rant posts every few months as I try to get my life back together and watch everything I'm lagging behind on! Until next time, stay hype!

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