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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Streaming While Working Full Time (How I have Been Adjusting)

Hello everybody! Tsubaki here! 

Lately, I have been slacking on reviews and such because of complete lack of time but for a reason, I will explain (the reason being in the title). If you didn’t already know, I have been streaming for over two years and I moved over to Twitch due to major changes on the streaming platform I was on. Those changes made it harder for viewers to have an incentive to subscribe and donate. However, I started a full-time job about 5 months before I completely went over to Twitch and when I was preparing to move due to roommates unexpectedly moving out without warning for the second time in my life. 

With all that happening at the same time I was forced to make up my mind if wanted to keep streaming. Streaming helped me out before with at least supplying enough to pay the internet bill especially when roommates moved out and I had no one to split rent with. Now that is not the case because my job can at least cover my bills plus some extra. I decided to keep streaming because I really love to do it! I like interacting with people, enjoying games and art, chatting about games and playing games with other people. Thus, I only took a break from streaming for a short while. 

I felt like I needed the break because of the fact that I am basically starting over with follower count and gaining a subscribe button, which takes quite a while sadly. I also needed the break because before I only had a part-time job with a maximum of 20 hours a week when I was streaming. Now I work 35 hours a week with an hour each day of lunch break that I don’t get paid for. I also have a much longer commute which adds about 1.2 to 1.5 hours each way. I needed to slowly readjust myself to a new schedule which is a lot harder now since I started this full-time job right out of College. My sleep schedule is still not that good but it is improving and I try to set myself a timeslot to stream but if I need to do something after work it shortens down to a minimum amount of hours I want to stream a day. Which is for two hours. Also since I am not home during the day I try to clean up a bit at night which really doesn’t help my sleep at all. 

This wouldn’t be so bad if I was planning to drop my full-time job in the long run but I don’t want to because it isn’t that easy to quickly start making money from streaming and I went to College and got a degree in something I want to move forward in. I have no intentions of being wishy-washy of making this a career. This was my career plan from the start and streaming just became a side job that helps me out just a bit even if it's only socially. It might not seem worth it sometimes but being in a technical and professional field makes your personality kinda stiff if you don’t relax every now and again. I understand that I need to make sure everything I say and do is professional quality but if you carry that into your home life and when you are just doing stuff with friends that are kinda bad. Streaming helps me be social and busy with something I enjoy that isn’t very demanding when I am not doing work at my desk on the job. I am very anxious, cautious and triple checking myself at my full-time job which leaves me being on edge and stressed. Streaming is the most relaxing thing I can do while playing games I enjoy or anything else! 

Streaming as a side job is helpful in many ways but anybody working multiple jobs can become exhausted. That is the major reason why I haven’t been editing reviews as much. After working my full-time job and streaming every day, I go straight to sleep. I should go right to sleep after streaming because I have to get up again at 6am to do everything all over. My personal solution is that I take one or two days out the week to not stream. Those days I catch up on cleaning, shopping for very specific items I need, updating tech in the house and budgeting. 

Lately, I have been using those days off for reorganizing the house and clearing out everything we left in bags from the move in December, which is why I haven’t been blogging as much. The good thing is I can say I feel less overwhelmed with the overall stuff I have due to me donating stuff I haven’t used in years and selling off everything else I somehow hoarded while in my old place. But I was able to complete as much as I did by using my streaming days off which I am happy about. Gamer otakus out there do not worry for I am still actively collecting games! 

I hope this post helps others that are also working on a side hustle that seems to not give them as much time as they need to complete necessary tasks. It is good to have a side job, especially for extra income because everybody could use the help. But no worries everybody I have many reviews and posts coming up! 

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