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Thursday, September 20, 2018


Hello! Tsubaki here and welcome back to another review! This one will be a bit different since it is not a video game and not a kawaii crate but an actual pair of headphones. 
Now to explain why I am doing this review especially on these headphones. Reason number one is that I got tired of having headphones that weren't bluetooth compatitible with my phone, which still is the Iphone 6s. Yes, I have been using the headphone jack for listening to music but it is annoying when your headphones keep getting yanked out on a crowded NYC train. Reason number two is, I have been eyeing these for a while since they came out because I love going to the LINE FRIENDS store in Times Square. Now the final reason why I got these is because all BEATS wireless headphones of the same size cost the same price. So yes, the LINE FRIENDS special edition have the same exact price!
It has been about three months since I started using these headphones so I think it is a good time to finally give me opinion on them!
This is the original packaging that they come in.
On the left side of the headphones there is a button that allows you to pause music an pick up phone calls.The headphones also have hinges so it can fold up into the carrying case!

It comes with this cute Beat Brown case which zips up and has a internal pocket that is handy for a usb cord to charge it on the go. The only bad thing is they don't come with a charge cable but you can use any micro usb cord to charge it. The case so far looks new even if it has been in many backpacks and totes and rubbed up against desks and stuff. So no worries about durablity here.

Currently there has been no problems with the headphones nor the case and charging it is easy because I have extra micro usb cables. On the subject of battery, this actually lasts me over two weeks without charging it but however I mostly use it when I am on the train or out for a long walk. It says on the package that it has a 40 hour battery life and I feel it lives 100% to that statement. There is no need to constantly charge it at all and you can go for days possibly depending on how often you use it, until you see a major difference in battery. Also on the right side of the headphones are five little lights that are under the power button. Each light stands for about 20% of each of the battery that is left. So if you are down to 80% battery there will be four out of five lights on.

Next up is sound quality. This might be baised since I use an Apple phone to listen to music so in case anybody is wondering about this for Andriod phones or products I don't know if the eperience will be the same. The quality is very clear in which I actually can keep the volume at half and it is decently loud enough that I could hear wispered parts in songs with no problem. Everything sounds so clear compared to other headphones that I don't think I would want to change headphones unless I had no choice. I can hear all the background noise much clearer and the voices are more defined. I can fully enjoy all my game soundtracks now to their fullest extent because the instramentals being more crisp. 

Functionality wise these headphones are solid. They don't disconnect, they always respond and there has just been no problems overall. They only disconnect if you turn off the bluetooth yourself or the headphones are turned off. Also you can find a aux cord and use these without draining any of the battery. I especially se them for bluetooth so I haven't tested out the sound differences if there are any between wired and wireless. 

To wrap this up I think these headphones are awesome, besides the fact that they are so cute to look at. I know BEATS are known for being good with Apple products but it really is convienent to have good, easy to carry on the go headphones that are bluetooth. I am surprised that there are a lo more of these headphones left unless people don't go to the LINE FRIENDS STORE because they seriously just have them siting in the back all nice and brand new. Yes you only see the ones they have for display but if you wanted BEATS anyway you might as well get them in a style and color not many people have in the first place!  

I hope this review helps! I will try to do a review on new tech I get, especially if it is cute and or game related. So, until next time!

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