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Friday, August 3, 2018

Hey! Not dead yet! Just busy~

Hello everybody! 
Sorry for not having anything up last month but it was been really chaotic with a new job and still trying to keep up with things and keep streaming while also trying to fix up everything I realized is falling apart. 
Examples being my old tablet that needed to be replaced and me hauling old tech for new tech because it was just making my life difficult overall. Also the tablet was a Samsung Tab A and I think I had it for over 4 years if I remember correctly. Since then there have been at least 2 new tablets made by the same brand. (Seriously) 

But I might actually put up a very solid review of the new tablet and I will much later put up Disgaea 1 Complete when I finally preorder it and it comes to me. I will try to update this blog more often with recommendations and reviews but I am more stressed on time. 

If you wanna support me please feel free to visit my stream~ <3 You don’t have to subscribe or anything but if you do subscribe and you have Discord it makes it easier for me to send you monthly art I work on! If I actually get a steady solid number of subscribers I might make a Discord server. Also if you visit my stream please say hi in chat! Please note you do need to make an account and verify your email first before chatting.

Thank you all for reading this update! I hope you all in the next post! (*´꒳`*)

Iced Strawberry Matcha Latte for your thoughts~ 

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