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Monday, January 18, 2021

Fitting More Anime into My Exhausting Work Day

The only way I can keep buying pens and manga is to keep working at my exhausting job, however, it has taken a turn for the worse as I have been so behind on anime for a very long while. This post is about my attempt to get back on track!

Monday through Friday are the most exhausting days for anybody working 30+ hours from 9AM to 5PM or any 8+ hour time frame. I have had to adjust to this right out of school but with my body becoming more tired as I get home at 7:30PM, I couldn't bear to keep my eyes open to watch anime. Even while working from home due to COVID I often eat and take a nap after work to only stay awake enough to clean, journal, or study leaving no time to watch anything.

My anime list only keeps growing but in order for me to put a dent in it, I had to fit a time to watch at least one episode each workday. Saturday and Sunday are not enough time to get all the chores done, shopping, binge playing video games, and watching anime.

The only solution was to use my one-hour lunch break to get food, eat, and complete at least one episode. I began this trial halfway through December and I have made a lot of progress! Finally finished one anime, and one season of another.

The problem will be continuing this when I go back to normal work operations. The area my work office is located has very poor reception, so unless I go to the local Starbucks or cafe and buy something to drink or eat to use the wifi, this will be difficult unless I can already have the episode on my phone.

Hope that I will keep making progress and find a more optimal way to watch more anime.

If you have any other way to fit anime let me know in the comments! Until next time, stay hyped!

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